Notable news, analysis and research about the face recognition landscape


News about the usage and value of face recognition technology.

Facing facts on facial-recognition tech

How many years will it take to get past paranoid fears about facial-recognition  technology? The idea that Big Brother could abuse it is no reason to throw away a useful tool.”


NY Post Editorial Board

In Defense of the Facial Recognition Technology that SF Banned

[face recognition] holds great promise for catching bad actors, helping people with Alzheimer’s and  allowing insurance, medical, and financial professionals to detect fraud. It can also help enhance safety, protect our borders and prevent terrorism.”


—Gary Shapiro
President & C.E.O, Consumer Technology Association

Don’t ban facial recognition

Given these high rates of unsolved crime, the threat of terrorism, and the waves of human trafficking, and given that FR uses information voluntarily shared by the public and that it is much less invasive than DNA tests and even the routine screening conducted in airports, Congress should ensure that FR is used properly, but not ban it nor slow it down.


—Amitai Etzioni
Professor, George Washington University


Facial recognition is doing some amazing things when it comes to security

From airports to retail establishments, this tech is taking the customer and employee experience to new heights … [and] facial recognition is actually becoming a usable reality and not in the scary way we’ve seen in sci-fi movies. Almost every major phone company has a phone with some form of facial recognition built in.”


—David Newman
Analyst and Forbes Contributor

Blanket Ban on Facial-recognition Tool Makes Us all Less Safe…

From terrorism to missing persons to crimes against persons and property, the ability of facial recognition and AI to greatly improve the safety security of our communities and country shouldn’t be so easily thrown onto the trash heap of anti-police bias.”


—Morgan Wright
Privacy and Cybersecurity Expert

The use of facial recognition technology in hospitals…

can help identify individuals who may be drug seekers or previously ejected individuals whom the hospital is no longer allowing to access the facility … Fortunately for healthcare, facial recognition technology has matured in recent years thanks to its popular use in retail and law enforcement.”


—Reda Chouffani
Healthcare IT Consultant

Don’t Ban Facial-Recognition Technology. Regulate It…

The fact is, properly used, facial-recognition tools are a boon for governments and citizens alike. In some places, they’ve been deployed to protect borders and other vulnerable sites. In others, they’re helping to fight sex trafficking and find missing children. Police use them to identify suspects, track down fugitives, and speed up investigations.”


—Bloomberg Editorial Board

Facial recognition makes you safer…”

Used properly, the software effectively identifies crime suspects without violating rights … 71 percent of its documented instances of false convictions are the result of mistaken witness identifications. When facial recognition technology is used as a limited and preliminary step in an investigation these miscarriages of justice are less likely.”

—James O’Neil
New York Police Commissioner